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Section 2 - Shopping list / prerequisites

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B/B+ $30 (either model B or B+ should work fine)
8GB or larger MicroSD memory card $5 eBay
USB Power Adapter $5 eBay
USB to serial RS-232 interface adapter $5 eBay. Make sure it is Linux compatible.
Serial RS-232 Null Modem cable FEMALE/FEMALE or a Null Modem F/F Adapter $5 eBay
Total project cost ~ $50

You can also choose to use a Raspberry Pi Zero which will save you some $15 from the total price, but for the sake of simplicity, we'll be using the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B on this tutorial. I've only tested these two Raspberry Pi's, but I see no reason why Virtual Modem wouldn't work with any Raspberry Pi or even other Linux platforms.

On to the next part!

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guides/virtual_modem/section_2.1609112712.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020-12-27 23:45 by omolini